Membership Checkout

Membership Information

You have selected the Annual Membership (new or renew) membership level.

2024 subscription period: 1 year, through the calendar year (ends on December 31, 2024). Months are not prorated however, memberships initiated on or after October 1st will include the following calendar year.

Please complete and fill-in all information below. Items with an asterisk (*) are required. Be sure and read, agree and check the TOS - Terms of Service box. And then finally click the submit and confirm button.

Your membership dues help pay for this website, our membership and accounting software, our [portable nets, and help pickleball grow in the Boise city and the Treasure Valley. Membership in the Boise Pickleball Club will also connect you to a whole host of other pickleball players and get you on our mailing list. We are a volunteer-run organization and are always looking for new volunteers and helpers.

The price for membership is $15 annually.

Membership expires on January 1, 2025.

Account Information

Hint: The password should be at least twelve characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).
Already have an account? Log in here

More Information

Address and Phone

Would you like to set up automatic renewals?

Billing Address